Sunday, August 7, 2011

Final Destination - Review

Starting today, I'm going to be reviewing the Final Destination series, starting with the first, and ending with the fifth. I re-watched the first one last night, not planning this review, so, it's pretty fresh in mind.

I remember the first time I watched Final Destination, I was about five or six, my brother, who was seven or eight, got it for Christmas on VHS and I decided to be a rebel and watch it. I don't remember my thoughts on it, but, I remember re-watching it when I was nine with my friend Tyler, we loved it. It became one of my favorites since.

Anyway, this movie is one of the greatest horror films of all time, in my opinion. Escaping death, finding it come back to try and kill you, and trying to escape it? It's great.

So, basically, Alex and a bunch of his senior classmates are going on a trip to Paris, while on the plane (as it's about to take off) Alex has a premonition, or dream, that the plane is going to explode, he freaks out and a bunch of his classmates get off. A few minutes after take-off, the plane explodes, like in his vision. Later on his classmates who got off begin dying, one-by-one, in 'accidental' ways, Alex, and his new friend, Clear, discover the pattern and try warning the others and look for ways to 'cheat' death. Sounds pretty cool, eh?

The movie starts off really great, with great character development that instantly makes you either love or hate the characters, which affects the amount of sympathy you feel when they die, which makes the movie insanely fun.

The deaths are pretty fun, too. There's a lot of tension and build-up before each one, which makes you wonder, when is this person going to die? How are they going to die? Are they even going to die? It's great.

The acting in the movie is A+
All the character's reactions to their surroundings is insanely believable, which is a great thing.

The special effects are done in a great way, the kills aren't very graphic, but, the ones that were had great make-up and such. The CGI was great, too.

Now, my favorite death in this movie has to be Terry's. She simply gets splattered by a bus. Sounds boring, but, it's not. You don't see it coming, at all, which makes it more fun. This is Terry's main scene, in the other's she only had one line, or none. But, in this one she flips out on Carter, her boyfriend, for 'beating the shit out of Alex,' after all is said and done, she turns to walk away and BAM a bus hits her. The only CGI I noticed in the entire movie, and it was done insanely well.

In general, this movie is great. It has a great plot, cast, kills, and special effects. Just about everything you need to make a good horror flick. Definitely worth checking out, if you haven't already.

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