Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Are Remakes Killing Or Saving The Horror Genre?

It seems that the only Horror films big movie companies are green-lighting are remakes. Though, a lot of these movies cash in big at the box-office, (e.g Prom Night, Friday The 13th, A Nightmare On Elm Street, etc.) are these movies any good?

In my opinion, most remakes suck. But, I will admit, I do have a few favorites, but, those are the most original, in my opinion, any. I usually catch all  Horror flicks when they're released into theaters, and I usually regret it, too. But, I did like Rob Zombie's Halloween and Michael Bay's Friday The 13th, The Stepfather wasn't too bad, either..

So, what's with this lack of originality? Carrie and Texas Chainsaw Massacre are being re-made, again! In my opinion, this is getting to be a bit ridiculous.

It seems that there's less-and-less Horror films being released as time goes by, because everyone is writing remakes and they're running out of films to remakes! This isn't helping the genre at all.

Personally, I don't mind watching a remake every now and then, but multiple ones in a year, c'mon, just stop, already.

Past remakes include The Amityville Horror, April Fools Day, Black Christmas, Carrie, Children of the Corn, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Dracula (repeat offender), The Eye, The Fog, Frankenstein, Friday the 13th, Fright Night, Halloween, The Hills Have Eyes, The Hitcher, House of Wax, House on a Haunted Hill, The House on Sorority Row (as Sorority Row), I Spit on Your Grave, Last House On The Left, Let Me In, My Bloody Valentine, and so on. The list is a lot bigger, which is a sad thing.

The list of future remakes is even bigger, unfortunately. But, I won't go there.

So, what do y'all think? Are remakes destroying the Horror genre, or what?

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