Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Unseen Paranormal Activity 3

Anyone else notice that the trailers and TV spots for Paranormal Activity 3 had completely different footage than the final cut of the film had? Most notably the "bloody Mary" scene with Katie and Kristie, the scene that was used in most promos.

The question isn't what was taken out, but, why was it taken out? My guess is because all the "scary" things that happened in PA2 were in the promotional stuff, making it less-scary, so instead, they've taken deleted or alternate scenes and used those for the trailers instead. They could've even done what Dimension Films does and just filmed scenes strcitly for promotion.

A scene non-existent in the films or trailers.
So, exactly what scenes were taken out? From the trailers, the only ones I can point out are the bloody Mary ones with Katie and Kristie, the scene where Katie and Kristie's mom throws water on Toby and it sizzles, and the scene where their mom is telling the family to get in the car and something throws her.

Oddly enough, a few stills were different than the film, too. The picture above shows a scene where Katie mocks Toby, and Kristie warns her, but Kristie's reflection doesn't pull a "Mirrors" move or anything like that, from what I remember, anyway.

So, have you guys noticed anything else missing? If so, slap us with a comment below!

1 comment:

  1. In the picture where Katie mocks Toby and Kristi tries to stop her, you can see Tobys head in the little door,peaking out...I blew up the photo, and zoomed in at the little door. You can see his eyes and some of his face. But that's pretty much it
