Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Know What You Screamed Last Valentine: Valentine Review!

Have you ever wondered what you'd get when you crossed My Bloody Valentine and Scream? Of course you haven't, until now! Now what you'd get is an extremely underrated, greatly written, bloody-good slasher!

Here we have 2001's Valentine which, in my opinion, deserves far more credit than received.

It's basically I Know What You Did Last Summer, with elements of Scream, and the holiday them My Bloody Valentine created.

My Bloody Valentine
Based off of the novel by Tom Savage, the film starts with group of friends basically pick on this stereo-typical geek as teenagers, and when one of then kind of pulls a prank, he gets his butt kicked, then snaps and goes insane. Years later, all but one of the girls still friends are still best friends (with their own flaws that the screenplay write makes sure you remember) So, anyway, one of the more wealthy of the few decides to have a party for Valentines Day and as time goes by, the bodies start piling up. The killer isn't revealed until the end, and the twist is crazy.

Now, I liked this movie a lot. It was a very campy slasher, and was brilliantly adapted. The huge twist at the end was really crazy and tied the whole movie together, perfectly.

The characters were generally like-able, each with their own special quality that makes you want them to die, but, you know you're going to feel bad once it happens.

The deaths weren't full-on-splatter-fest-like, like originally intended, thanks MPAA! Siiike. But, they were still good, and don't need all that gore to be great. They were very original, too. Not just people getting their heads cut-off, or anything. So A+ for that, haha!

The over-all theme of the movie is like a comedy, in a way. But, when it gets to it, the movie  gets real suspenseful. One minute, I'm laughing my head off, the next, my nails are chewed off, completely.

The reveal was a bit confusing, and most people, like me, wouldn't understand it until they've re-watched it.

In general, this movie is extremely good, with a lovable cast, fun script, and great kills, this movie is definitely worth watching!

Also, a BluRay is in the works, too, so maybe we'll get that Extended Director's Cut that was talked about on the commentary? Hope so!

Fact: Every one of the girls' rejection to Jeremy, in the beginning, foreshadows their death, or their message from the killer.

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